Black: The History of a Color by Professor Pastoureau ... (Lottie Perez) Black: The History of a Color (Michel Pastoureau). Princeton university pres-s princeton and oxford. L'ouvrage de Michel Pastoureau raconte l'histoire de ce renversement.
Author of Etoffe du Diable, Traité d'héraldique, Le Vêtement, La couleur, Heraldry, Rayures, Bleu, La vie quotidienne en France et en Angleterre au temps des Chevaliers de la Table ronde.
Pastoureau investigates how the ever-changing role of blue in society has been reflected in.
This is a study not of color as mere matter but as idea―presenting thousands of years of thinking in blue."―Michael Camille, author of The Medieval Art of Love and Glorious Visions. For Pastoureau, the history of any color must be a social history first because it is societies that give colors everything from their changing names to their changing meaningsand black is exemplary in this regard. A NEW COLOR The Eleventh to.
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